SEND Information
Please read our SEND Report to find out more about our provision here at Whaley Bridge Primary School:
SEND Information Report 2024 2025Our SENDCO Mrs Locke who can be contacted at
SEND at Whaley Bridge Primary School
We are a highly inclusive, mainstream primary school and pride ourselves on our provision for pupils with SEND. In addition to our Enhanced Resource Provision, we have a wealth of experience of meeting the needs of learners with a wide range of needs within the mainstream body of the school. We support children with additional needs across the four broad areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice.
The four broad areas of need are set out below:
Our Graduated Approach
At different times in their school life, a child may have a special educational need or require provision that is additional to or different from the usual Quality First Teaching. We use a Graduated Approach to SEND provision to ensure that all children make progress and receive appropriate support. The Graduated Approach is developed through cycles of Assess, Plan, Do and Review (APDR). The cycles of APDR provide personalised targets, set by teachers and parents, which allow us to carefully monitor the impact of provision and the outcomes for your child. Teachers review and discuss these plans 3 times per year, typically at each parents evening. However, please know that you may arrange to speak to your child’s teacher or the school SENDCo at any time. Children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will have an annual review of their plan with the SENDCo, teachers, parents and any other professionals involved.
Children who require provision that is additional to or different from our usual Quality First Teaching may be added to our Graduated Approach SEND register. This is a document that outlines which children require additional support, or have additional needs in the above four areas. Some children may be on the SEND register temporarily whilst they receive some additional intervention, others may move through the graduated levels during their time in school. Inclusion on the SEND register will always be discussed with parents first.
Useful links for parents
- Derbyshire Local Offer – Information for young people and children with SEND, families and professionals.
- Derbyshire SEND Service – Working in partnership with schools to provide specialist support services and facilities for a range of SEND needs.
- Derbyshire Information and Advice Support Service – Information, advice and support for children and young people with SEND, as well as their parents and carers.
- Quell – A new digital counselling support service, commissioned by Derby and Derbyshire CCG, for parents of children and young people across Derby and Derbyshire. This service is FREE and requires no formal referral.
- CAMHS Derbyshire– Child and Adolecent Mental Health Service
- SEN Resource Source– Resources for Parents of Children with SEND
- Contact– A national organisation providing comprehensive support and advice about a wealth of issues surrounding special educational needs.